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Cutting & Suicidal- A 15 year old client's story

My client’s mother asked me to share her daughter’s story, hoping it will help others. Hannah is a 15-year-old girl. She was referred to...

EFT & FIBROMYALGIA (Chronic Pain condition)

People suffering from Fibromyalgia experience widespread pain & tenderness, and often fatigue and poor sleep, as well as memory loss and...

EFT & Bullying- A story close to home

My teenage son stood up to a bully. For the past 3 years he has tolerated nasty remarks, but today my son decided that ignoring him just...

Injured in Sport?

As a physio my specialty was pain, but did you know that the way your brain interprets, processes and reacts to pain makes up 80% of your...

EFT gets to those core issues quicker

It's amazing how many clients come in with an issue, and before long we are tapping on something much deeper from their past. Often the...

Stress Relief for Teens

The interesting thing about Tapping with teenagers is its really fast and effective. They always ask to come back to see me cause the...

EFT benefits Chronic Pain Sufferers.

I wish I had this tool when working as a physio in a Melbourne Chronic Pain Clinic! Study: Dr Peta Stapleton examined the significant...

EFT for Sports Performance

Athletes are very good at expecting more out of their bodies and pushing themselves to improve their performance. The goal posts are...

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